Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Air or the Wind Upanishad

Hey wind ! Inside thou art.
Hey wind ! outside too, thou art.
Hey wind ! near  thou art.
Hey wind ! far too, thou art.
Hey wind ! cool thou art.
Hey wind ! I prostrate unto thee.

Formless-multisemblenced, O wind, 'tis thee.
Pleasure-imaged, O wind, 'tis thee.
Enthroned onto the six-cycles, O wind energy 'tis thee.
One in many, O wind, amagement 'tis thee.

Wind ! With thee the smoke, may I mix not.
Wind ! With thee the dust, may I mix not.
Wind ! With thee the filth, may I mix not.
Wind ! Unto thee into calamity, may I put not.
Wind ! May I regain mine intellect, regain my intellect.

O life vouchsafing wind, come to the life.
O carbondioxide wind, go to the tree.
O ozone wind, May not vibrate thee.

May I not burn organicfuel, wind.
May I not move petty vehicle, wind.
May I use solar power, wind.
May I use hydro-electricity, wind.
May I not initiate thy rival wind, wind.
May I not make impure thee, wind.

O wind ! May I regain my intellect, regain my intellect.

O wind, Nuisance to any, not be thee.
O wind, Catastrophe to any, not be thee.
O wind, Calm, quiet and sweet, needs be thee.

O wind ! Zephyr needs be thee

Unto thee, may I bestow plant, wind.
Unto thee, may I bestow love, wind.
Unto thee, may I bestow friendliness, wind.
Unto thee, may I bestow leniency, wind.
Unto thee, may I not be thy foe, wind.
Unto thee, I urge- be my mate thee, wind.

O wind, may I get mine brains 'gain.
May I give sanctuary unto wind.
May wind give sanctuary unto me.
Best of the best for all, may I be.

May I, in advance, perceive suffocation of thee, hey wind.
May I, not at all, betray thee, hey wind.
Thou speak to me, hey wind.
May I live in winds nearness, mine wish 'tis, hey wind.

Thank you. 
By: Narendra Parashar.Originally in Nepali. Translated by :Dipak Rai 'Zero'

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